Monday, January 14, 2008

Lite hearted humor ofr us in the dating world

You know many times in dating we take things too serious. We place such urgency on meeting THE RIGHT PERSON, having the perfect relationship! We some times forget the WHOLE point of relationships is to have fun add happiness to our lives just someone that love us for us! So take time today! Think what you have to offer vs. what you want. You might find you need to adjust the direction of your search!
Just for fun I was surfing the net and found this list…….
You can find this at
Top 10 worst things to say on a first date
December 19th, 2006 by Anita Bath
On Jay Leno the other week, Jay was talking about first dates. During Jay’s ramblings, I realized that my last first date was over 10 years ago and that I’d now be the absolute worst person to ask for advice. I can’t imagine how little help I’ll be able to provide my son in another 10-15 years when he starts dating: “If you forget her name, don’t try to make up some cute fake name like ‘Poopsie’ for her.”
While I’d be worthless as a dating coach, I realized I was very good at recognizing the key components for a BAD first date. In particular, phrases that would take a first date from sparks to ashes instantly. Here are my top 10:
10. Don’t worry, the Doctor says it’s just a rash…
9. When we get married we should …
8. Toothpaste? What’s that???
7. You don’t want to know what the voices are saying about you right now.
6. Oh, I’ve had tons of first dates, but golly-gee, I have a feeling you’re gonna be my first second date ever!
5. When I was a woman I …
4. I realize this might seem a little sudden given that we just met … but could I borrow six hundred and fifty three dollars?
3. Sorry I’m late, me and the wife just had a big fight.
2. Do you mind if I record any of this?
1. My Dad says I’m the best kisser in the county (anyone know what movie this is from?)
Remember do not take your self or life TOO seriously or you could miss out on the joy life offers….
Take care

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