Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Dating 101

Just like with any thing else dating comes with basic’s. The simple definition for the word basic is 1. of, pertaining to, or forming a base; fundamental: a basic principle; the basic ingredient. So first we must look at the foundation of dating. Why and how we date.
Why is a relatively simple place to start. Dating is process most of use to find a life partner. Dating gives us a chance to meet people of the opposite sex and evaluate their potential as a partner. We date to examine who this person is, how they treat others (including ourselves), and what they have to offer.
In a perfect world you would continue the process until you met what you see as the perfect fit. Then you two would ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after. However in the REAL world many of us settle for less then we NEED (let alone deserve).
One of the many service’s MMIKC provides is date counseling. We walk you through the do’s and don’ts of dating to optimize your chance of finding the happiness you are longing for.
However there are many things someone can do on their own. I find that people with out a good sense of who they are have the worst luck in dating. They use dating as way to fill the emptiness in their life. Though it is true finding the right partner with fill your life with many wonderful thing it will not complete you. You are already a whole person!
Once you are sure of who you are. You are a lot more likely to pick healthier people to be a part of your life. High self value is as important in dating as it is in all the other aspects of your life.
It is also important to select people with good self value. The last thing any of us want in a relationship is to be the sole source of emotional fulfillment for our partner. It is not healthy for them or ourselves. Just as we have to work hard to make sure that person does not become more important then our own self.
So what is a basic dating rule that helps you?

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